Mumbai, India – U.S. Consulate


At the U.S. Consulate of Mumbai in India, the number of family consular green cards issued every month is back to where it was pre-pandemic:

The problem, however, is that the picture is vey different depending on the classification of the applicant.

See the following table which compares the number of U.S. Green Cards issued under immediate relative (spouse, parent, and child of a U.S.C) and family preferences (F1, F2A, F2B, F3, F4) through the U.S. Consulate of Mumbai, India (BMB) in Fiscal Year 2022 with Fiscal Year 2019 (pre-pandemic).

Overall, for immediate relatives, the picture is healthy. There is obviously a 'push' going on with parents of United States citizens, probably because the State Department considers that the backlog of spouses and children of U.S. Citizens is where it used to be pre-pandemic.
For family preferences, though, the picture is much more concerning: interviews are still being scheduled for F4s, although 30% less than in FY 2019, and other family preferences are just posting dismal results.